About Us

The Arusha East African Training Institute (TAEATI) was established in 2001 and before was known as the East African Training Institute with registration number 216316, for the long period of time the Institution has been the constituent of the Media Council of Tanzania (MCT) and later on got full NACTE registration in the year 2013 with the following number                REG/BTP/006P.                                                                                                                                                          It is the non government Educational Institute which provides different trainings including Journalism, International Relations, in order to compete with East African Market and rest of the World.
The Institute is located at Philips in Arusha City. It lies 60m off the Arusha- Moshi road.               As part of Tanzania northern zone, Arusha can be reached from other parts of Tanzania and East Africa by highways and air.

Our vision
To be one of the education and training institute that provides quality knowledge and skills in the East African region. The Arusha East African Training Institute will become internationally recognized for the institute experience: a contemporary framing of liberal learning that first empowers and asks our students to become self-directed academically grounded intellectually, engaged, and socially responsible citizens who understand and respect the diversity of the world’s cultures.
And people, and second prepares our students from their first day on campus to make wise academic and co-curricular choices leading   to satisfying professional futures.                            The hallmarks of the Arusha East African Training Institute experience student self-formation and early professional preparation – will prepare our students to become truly educated women and men ready for life in a complex and competitive world.
The institute will increase support for faculty and student research. Our faculty and students will increasingly collaborate with each other and with communities beyond our campus in research teaching and artistic expression.
The institute will offer select under graduate programs which complement certificate programs and prepare students for careen entry or advancement or for further study towards an advanced degree. 
Our mission
To provide the research based education and training with the focus on vocationalizing to produce the real knowledge and skilled graduates. The Arusha East African Training Institute inspires its students to form themselves intellectually and personally and to prepare for meaningful and ethical work in a multicultural, global, society, working together with passion and commitment. We foster learning, broaden knowledge and enrich culture through pedagogical innovation scholarship and creative expression


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